
🛑 This information may be updated later than the game server data.

💡Stats are combat abilities assigned to heroes and equipment.

EXTOCIUM's stat system is divided into primary and secondary stats. Each stat is applied to heroes, weapons, and orbs either as 'fixed' or as a 'probability option'.

Primary stats are the six basic stats that a hero possesses, and secondary stats are calculated based on the primary stats.

When creating a Hero NFT, a minimum of 15 to a maximum of 21 SP (Stat Points) are randomly distributed across the six stats. The rule is to evenly distribute 2 stat points among the six stats within the 15-21 range, with the remaining points distributed randomly.

✅Check your account's final stats

All stats obtained through heroes, equipment, etc., are summed up and displayed in the 'profile screen'. Check how to access the profile screen.

👉Touch the profile icon at the top left of the main HUD.

👉The profile widget will appear. Here, you can see all your stat information at a glance.

Last updated