👻Transferring Trial Hero Data

🛑 This information may be updated later than the game server data.

💡Have you purchased a Hero NFT? If so, we can transfer the growth data of your Trial Hero to your Hero NFT!

All real heroes in EXTOCIUM are generated as NFTs and have unique addresses. Also, the type of hero and skills are randomly selected at the moment of creation.

The Trial Hero system allows you to try out heroes before buying an NFT or summoning a hero. This system lets you personally assemble a skill deck. However, since it is not an NFT, it cannot be traded or registered for mining settings. 🥲

For when you purchase an NFT, we have prepared a service that can transfer the growth data of your nurtured Trial Hero to your newly purchased Hero NFT!

👉Try requesting a conversation with 'NPC Laura' in the center of 'Rotten Hill'.

👉Laura will provide you with a brief guide on the growth data transfer service.

❓The growth data transfer service is provided only once per account.

❓The transfer does not include the type of hero or the type of skills.

👉Select the target Hero NFT in the 'Target NFT Selection' panel.

Once the information is transferred from my Trial Hero to the target Hero NFT, a simulation will show what results can be obtained.

👉Now, when you touch the 'Transfer' button, a confirmation popup will appear.

If you give final approval in this popup, the information transfer is completed. Afterwards, 'NPC Lora' will disappear from the map.

Last updated