๐Ÿ“ƒOur Mission

โœ…Why we make blockchain games with MMORPGs

We all possess the commodity of "time," which incurs an "opportunity cost" when allocated. Similarly, the fundamental reason "game currency" can potentially hold value is because players "invest" their time into the game.

That is, when a player invests a considerable amount of time into a game, the outcomes of that time spent, such as various items and strengthened heroes, naturally come to have value.

This mechanism has been clearly operational, especially in online MMORPGs where "marketplaces" or "exchanges" are integral to the game. In South Korea, renowned MMORPGs like Lineage, Lineage 2, MapleStory, and Wind of the Country have verified this mechanism over 20 years.

Their in-game currency clearly holds value, and game items are even more valuable, long before the term P2E (Play to Earn) appeared, which has been around for over 20 years and continues to be relevant.

Therefore, what we need to do is not develop unimaginable future technologies but create good games and fun content that allow players to safely swap game currency to crypto and invest their "time" into our game.

Of course, not all games are suitable for Play to Earn. A game solely for fun will never operate an economy. Some game genres gift players memories by lightly enjoying the story and leaving an aftertaste. While these games are excellent, it's not easy for their currency to hold special value.

If we were to summarize the fundamental reason Korean online MMORPGs have held significant economic value within their realms, it would be as follows:

  1. There needs to be user conflict, factionalization, and competition.

  2. Sessions must not end.

  3. A continuous cycle of Earn - Burn must occur.

By competing and fighting for better castles, the game's currency is massively consumed, and players immerse themselves in the political charm between factions. The concept of "massive" is crucial here. "Faction" is a vital element that enlivens the market.

In classic online MMORPGs, players "hunt" by investing their "time" to receive items and currency (mining).

Someone in the game needed fast leveling to gain an advantage among factions, thus buying others' "time" was natural, an essential factor enabling the exchange to be active. The demand-supply principle of time value naturally occurs.

Interestingly, the non-ending session is crucial because of the concept of buying and selling "time." The more "time" accumulates, the higher its value, so ending a specific season and redistributing balance would be like capping the value of "time."

Thirdly, including point one, the continuous growth system unique to MMORPGs ensures the Earn - Burn cycle. The natural flow in MMORPG grammar, like buying equipment and enhancing skills with the money earned from catching rabbits to hunt tigers, is natural. You will invest years to finally hunt dragons.

Such growth-type games are based on users needing to Burn as much as they Earn in the game character. This is essential for gaining an advantage in the competitive chain to Earn more. Their level naturally increases, so they can't stay in one place. High-level users will be clearly handicapped in low-level areas.

This growth chain's stages are endless and continue through updates, increasing the cumulative value of time, making the game economy continuously generate value like the real economy.

๐Ÿ’กOur mission is to explore ways the protocol economy can be established within MMORPGs based on this perspective.

In the not-too-distant future, most assets in reality will be tokenized. The gaming world is no exception to this trend.

The 'protocol economy' refers to a transaction concept based on voluntary agreements (promises) between individuals, aiming to minimize intermediary costs through decentralization and achieve fair distribution within the ecosystem. For example, in gaming, it involves minimizing the development costs for developers using AI and automation tools, and having users replace some of the roles required for development (such as QA, CS, game design, etc.), thereby sharing the surplus revenue costs between developers and users.

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